Date(s) - 06/23/2013
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Woodcraft, St. Louis
Reminder that our next meeting is June 23rd at Woodcraft. The Pre-Meeting demo will be an opportunity for new turners to ask questions and get some hands-on turning experience under the supervision and guidance of experienced members. The pre-meeting demo focus at this meeting will be on the use of gouges – roughing, bowl, and spindle. If you would like to do hands-on turning during the demo, bring your tools, the piece you want to turn (spindle, bowl, box,…) and your FACE SHIELD. The club will have a chuck, steb center, and live center for the lathe. Protective gear is required to actively participate in the hands-on work. Pre-meeting demo is from 11:30am to 12:30pm.
Soren Berger’s philosophy is that every home should have a set of wooden platters for meals. When Soren demonstrated at our club, Dave Endres brought out the wooden plates for Soren and guests.
Dan Burleson will be our demonstrator during the meeting and he will be demonstrating functional turning with a 14” platter. Meeting starts at 1:00pm.
Bring your turnings for show and tell and for the President’s Challenge. This month’s President’s Challenge is duplication – turning two or more of the same form.
Hope to see you on Sunday!