Beads of Courage (BOC)
Handcrafted boxes provide a safe place to keep beads that provide a sense of comfort to the heart while providing a way to honor the strength and courage of children and teens coping with cancer and other serious illnesses. The WTSTL is partnered with Children’s Hospital in St. Louis for this program. Boxes are collected by the club VP and delivered to Children’s.
Guidelines: Larger is better. Recommended interior dimensions for turned boxes are: 6″ diameter (5″ min.) x 5″ height (4″ min); flatwork boxes: 4″x6″x4″.
Box bases should be wide enough to make the box stable and not tip over easily. Lids for the BOC boxes should be easy for small or ill children to remove or lift. Any finials should be easy for a small child to grasp and not too elaborate so they don’t break. Avoid excessively elaborate design that may easily break or be damaged.
Finishing: BOC members who receive these boxes are susceptible to germs/infections/mold. Boxes should be properly sealed with a finish that does not contain toxic materials. Boiled linseed oil is not recommended as it takes a long time to outgas.
Material: All kinds of wood are beautiful. Painting is not encouraged.
Logo bead: You are encouraged to include a BOC logo bead on your box. It can be attached anywhere within or outside the box. The logo bead can be purchased from the WTSTL VP for $1.25 each. If this is not possible, burn or letter Beads of Courage onto the lid or side of the box.
Personalize your donation: Mark your name or initials, type(s) of wood, and the date on the box bottom. Include your business card or personal note of encouragement inside the box.
Pens for the Troops
The WTSTL partner with Woodcraft for turning wooden pens that are donated to members of the armed service. Woodcraft provides the slimline pen kits and members provide the blank and turn turn the pen. Pen kits are available for a $3 deposit from the club Treasurer. The deposit is refunded to the turner when completed pens are returned to the club Treasurer for delivery to Woodcraft.
Pen kits and completed pens can be picked up and returned through out the year. The completed pens are typically donated to Woodcraft in early November prior to Veterans Day.
Boxes for Nursing Homes
This program is designed to provide small wooden boxes to community members in nursing homes. The boxes are typically about 3 to 4″ in diameter with loose fitting lids. Completed boxes should be turned in to the club Treasurer for periodic delivery to local nursing facilities.